Fairfax Breastplate Fitting

1. Position the yoke of the breastplate at the base of the horse’s neck. Not so high that it pulls on the windpipe, or so low that it dangles on the chest.

2. Adjust straps 1 and 2 (as shown on the picture) so the yoke is held comfortably in place.

3. Thread your (long) girth through the elastic loop. On a monoflap saddle thread the loop under the first girth strap and onto the second (as shown).

4. Place the edge of your hand against the horse’s chest between his body and the yoke of the breastplate.

5. Adjust strap three.

6. If using a martingale, use one with a traditional loose neck strap (not one that attaches to the saddle D-rings) and position it over the top of the breastplate.